Georgina is an artist and designer that lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. Her one of a kind jewelry line, Blue Lotus Designs has incredible statement pieces, and uses eco practices with recycled precious metals and ethically sourced stones.

While browsing her instagram, I get completely lost in her world of beautiful gems, dress up, and goddessy vibes (really though, check out the custom crowns she makes). Read on for a peek into the life of Georgina, her creative process, and how she stays so inspired.


Your sign: Libra

Where are you from?

I grew up living off the grid in Castlemaine, Victoria. My father owned the Theatre-Royal which was a magical place for any child, and my mother is a wildlife and animal warrior and has her own private wildlife park

Where are you going?

I’m really not sure but I know it’s exciting. I think I will always just want to be artistic and to create and travel.

Can you tell us a bit about your work?

Everything I make is one of a kind and handmade. I have the traditional tools and believe that you can’t achieve a lot of the style that resonates with my spirit with most modern machinery, as it can look too mainstream I guess. My passion as a jeweller is keeping the very old school style of making jewellery close to my core.

Any other passions you pursue?

My passion is my family and the love of arts! My family are what grounds me and if I didn’t have them I think my head would always be up in the clouds all the time. My other passion is that I want to travel and show my children everything, embracing all cultures.

How did you turn your passion for creating into a business?

I have had so many jobs, it’s crazy. I like to try everything – I’ve worked in organic farming, construction and mining, to fabrication and metal works – always on the tools. I’ve always been busy creating all kinds of art, but it wasn’t until 2 years ago that my body said it was time… let’s do this my way! I’m still learning the business side of things but what I’m doing is my passion. I love to be able to express myself through my art.

Any advice for others who want to do the same?

Be you!!! Don’t procrastinate and just believe in your life and do it!!!

Can you share some of your ethical practices you use in your creations?

All of my gold and silver are recycled and all of my stones are ethically sourced. I learned from a young age the effects of mining on the landscape, because growing up in Castlemaine in Victiora, the countryside is littered with abandoned mine shafts which are extremely dangerous. It has actually undermined entire suburbs due to the underground shafts. I’ve seen entire landscapes change and it makes me so sad to see the devastation.

I recycle everything, even for my gift boxes, I’ve been lining them with recycled bubble wrap and fabric off cuts!

What inspires you?

My children are my greatest inspiration, I am one blessed mumma ?

What are your superpowers?

Juggling family and work.

When is your best time to create?

Anytime and anywhere. I do love it when it’s a rainy day or stormy night, they are the best times actually ?

Do you do anything to get yourself in the mood for it?

I like a clean space to start off, but it never stays that way in the process of creating. I’m always burning sage and ground my feet, opening up all my chakras into my work.

What is your best advice for loving yourself?

Be you! Do what your body is telling you, surround yourself with what makes you happy. You are the only one in this world that can change your life. We are all just light anyway. Positive thoughts helps the universe guide me. Sometimes I listen to a podcast about love and just take some time in nature.

Has learning to accept yourself been a journey for you or has it come naturally?

It took a long time to accept my self as a paid artist. It’s a really hard gig, the creating side is easy but I’m a really private person and am not used to social media – but I’m slowly understanding what a great tool it can be for an artist to spread love and light.

What would you tell your younger self?

Just don’t care about what anyone thinks and do it.

What’s next for you?

I just want to create, the more I create the deeper I feel. It’s like I’m peeling off layers to myself and I can’t wait to see what I will be able to achieve tomorrow. I will always be an apprentice of the arts, we all are and it’s exciting.

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