Aurielle is a creative director, DJ, feng shui master, and an entrepreneur that lives in Brooklyn, NYC. Her company Moody Maids has a modern fun take on cleaning, also offering feng shui, the konmari method, and other neat touches like using crystals and essential oils to make your home feel like a sanctuary. They also do work with a local community fridge in BK.

I first met Auri several years ago at a photoshoot, and have been following along on instagram since. These covid lockdowns we’ve been experiencing have been super hard for a lot of us, and I’ve loved seen Auri doing a great job on finding inspiration while at home and passing it along to her followers. I asked her if she would share a bit about her experience with what is going on, and pass along some of that inspiration to whoever needs it. Read on for more about how she fills her days, how she has been dealing with the downtime, and some photos of her in her space.

Can you tell us a bit about what your days look like?

Lately, I have been really into having minimal routines and moving through my day in flow. I normally start the day out having coffee and water with my supplements and jumping straight into my meditation, followed by prayer and a little journaling. Right now I am practicing kundalini and some neural repatterning meditations. After that I kind of flow into work and hobbies. I am trying to start adding in movement and keep a chart of things I’d like to make daily habits for wellness purposes. I am quarantined with my father also in my apt in New York so a lot of my days are dedicated to spending time with him and curing his boredom. This pandemic has been hard I think for people our parents ages.

How are you staying inspired during this time?

I stay inspired by hoping of forward motion, and movement but always staying in the moment and really trying to listen to myself and how I feel.

I am learning how to set boundaries and separate others’ energy from my own. It’s taken me a long time to do that and it hasn’t been easy.

Lately I have loved painting, and creating art.

Is there any daily routines you practice or have been trying to bring into your life?

I’ve been trying to start working out regularly or if not at least take the moment to do a stretch class on Peloton. I have also been trying to get dressed everyday.

I got in a bad habit of wearing things til they were deemed dirty just because I hadn’t left the house. It feels way better to get ready for the day. I’m also adding in the practice of writing again and sharing my work as a writer.

What has the past year taught you?

To be in the moment at all times, and to be grateful. To listen to myself & my intuition.

Do you have any advice for others on getting through difficult times?

I’ve had a lot of darker shadow moments. I guess my advice would be to love yourself through it. It’s the hardest practice to create and have.

I am still learning. Secondly, something I am also still learning is that we have to love people where they are at. Not where we are at or where we want them to be and know they can be. Sometimes that means distancing and taking space or even ending relationships. I try not to compromise my own well being for anyone anymore. I have suffered a lot in the past doing that.

Is there any causes that are important to you that you would like to share?

Right now I am starting to get deeply into Mutual Aid – I work with a local fridge in Brooklyn called Hashtag Lunchbag BK.

My company Moody Maids collects donations and we try to go a few times a month to clean out the fridge and restock.

You can send donations to-

venmo: moodymaids

cashapp: $moodymaids

All photos courtesty of Aurielle Sayeh

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