Aneta is a designer that creates goods focused on sustainability. She also passionate about plant food, holistic living, and all things eco. Read on for her recipe for her household cleaner that has been passed down for generations in her family.


“How can we reduce food waste and consumption of plastic? ☀️??

I found that basically all surface cleaning products come in plastic containers – there are very few that come in glass or they end up costing way too much. I buy powdered laundry detergent that comes in a tin and powdered dishwasher detergent that comes in recycled cardboard, but spray cleaner? It’s too easy to make at home to have to pay for one!

This one has been made by my family for generations – and I’m sure your family used to make a cleaner like this at some point before we thought it was necessary to use chemicals!

All you need is:

? Peels from 4-5 large citrus: I’ve used a mix of orange, grapefruit + pomelo. I peel and either juice them in my juicer or in my blender which makes a frothy delicious treat! You can also slowly collect your peels in a paper bag in the freezer.

Pack a jar with the peels and pour vinegar over them. You can use white vinegar, apple cider vinegar or both. Be sure to cover the peels completely and push any down that are sticking out.

Use a small piece of parchment paper between the jar and the lid before screwing on – this prevents it from rusting! Give it a tap on the table to make sure any air pockets rise up.

After a day or two you will see that the peels have soaked up lots of the vinegar. Open it up and top it off so that the peels are fully submerged. Leave for at least 2 weeks – I once left it for 2-3 months and it was fine!

Bottle it up by using half citrus vinegar and diluting the other half with water. I used an old glass apple cider vinegar bottle, it fits a spray top perfectly! Add your favourite essential oil, give it a shake and you’re good to go!

I love mine with lemongrass as it complements the citrus well. It’s also perfect with peppermint or lavender… or a blend of several essential oils! ?”

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