Natalia is an astrologer, modern mystic, and women’s empowerment coach that lives her best life in LA and inspires others on how to live theirs. I follow along on Instagram, where her captivating vibe and gentle nurturing nature is the perfect mix for the teachings she does on stepping into and loving yourself. You can also listen to her words of wisdom on her podcast, read them on her blog, or get them live with her coaching.

Read on for more about her path to discovering the mystical, how she turned it into a career, and advice for putting yourself out there.

Your sign:


Where are you from?

Phoenix, Arizona

Where are you going?

Physically: Possibly Hawaii, I am really thinking about my next space I’d love to live other than Los Angeles (Jupiter entering Sagittarius I think 🙂 Metaphysically: a truly fulfilled & beautiful Life!

How did you first discover your passion for the mystical?

Well, it was a slow discovery for me. I knew around the age of 19 that I wasn’t happy with the status quo of my life. Around 21 when I moved to LA I was introduced to meditation as well as the festival Lightning in a Bottle (which then maybe had only 3k people at it.) and discovered my love of tarot, astrology, crystals and all of the mystical things. I found it helped me be ok with being alone, not being in a relationship and really discovering my power in my own unique way. This is to put the story very simply!

How did you turn it into your career?

I was first doing jewelry when I moved to LA. Needless to say I had a ton of time alone doing production and building the business. I studied a lot, started doing readings for friends, and it slowly made it’s way into my work (with the jewelry) and really every other part of my life. I was so determined when I got out of school at 23 to work for myself as well as help people feel more at peace. So it sort of all melded together organically. Having a Capricorn rising in my birthchart is nice in the way that I am quite determined and willing to put in the ground work to bring something to fruition.

Is it scary putting yourself out there sometimes? How do you work through it if so?

It sure is, and I’d love to say it gets easier and it kind of does I suppose! I am always looking to go bigger and do better than before, to open myself up more and really bring out of me what’s true and authentic. That kind of excavation is not only a bit of a challenge for me within, but then when I have to share it, it can feel incredibly vulnerable. The trick is to just do it. Nike said it best. One of my coaches tells me to just “fail forward”. It doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to be done, and remember, it’s not all about you anyway. 🙂

Any advice for people who want to tap into their intuition more?

Meditation / Mindfulness practice helps a lot to open the intuition. In terms of trusting it and listening to it, that’s simply a practice of awareness.. I feel our intuition is the soft voice of our instant feeling around something or someone, it’s typically subtle but grows louder and more pronounced. It always depends if we consciously or unconsciously choose to ignore it or not. Wow, being human is wonderfully complex isn’t it 🙂

Who inspires you and why?

I am really inspired by any human being throughout time who has persevered to bring something magnificent out of their being and into the world. I’m really inspired by Kelsey Wells on Instagram, encouraging me and other women to be strong and powerful in their bodies. I am inspired by anyone living on Hawaii (lol) as that is my next manifestation! I am inspired by one of my best friends Sarah, she is a momma to two gorgeous little human beings and she parents and lives with patience and grace.

What are your superpowers?

Kindness and the ability to inspire people that they can live a beautiful life.

How do you stay balanced with so many projects on the go?

I take really good care of myself with my spiritual practices, eating clean and lovingly, and delegating and/or asking for help when I need it! I’ve gotten better at that recently!

What is your best advice for loving yourself?

Treat yourself the way you treat your most loved friend! Be gentle, be gracious, be nurturing with you. This has taken me so long to grasp, I used to wonder how the heck does anyone actually love themselves? Where is the manual?!

Has learning to accept yourself been a journey for you or has it come naturally?

It has been such a journey and one that I still work on! Self acceptance is so empowering. I’ve come to realize it’s the key to living a remarkable life because as you accept all that you are, flaws & all, you give others the beautiful freedom to do the same.

What would you tell your younger self?

That it may not turn out perfectly but wow, you are in for such a remarkable ride!

What’s next for you?

Well, I just made some pretty big changes in my business… next year will be filled with teaching, public speaking and inspiring! I won’t give too much away as I am an Aries and we build as we go… 😉

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