Karen is an author, astrologer, healer, and ascension guide from Portland, Oregon. She has also been a real saving grace for me this past year with all the intense astrological shifts occuring. Sometimes I ask myself, “what the @*#! is going on right now”, and know I can just check her twitter  for one of her energetic updates.

In Reiki sessions, she taps into the source of whatever is troubling you, helps you figure out the root emotional cause of it, and then gets right in there and helps you release it.

She also shares some pretty amazing articles she’s written on her website, about things like kundalini, the chakra system, and current ascension energies.

Read on for a bit about her work, the path to healing, and some other words of wisdom.

Can you tell us a little about your work?

I am a writer, healer, and spiritual guide for assisting others in expanding their conscious awareness, including Reiki Healing, Kundalini Ascension, and Astrology.

How did you discover the path to healing?

My own journey was messy and I had little assistance. I read as many books as I could get my hands on for many years, mostly spiritual in nature. I found common threads in all the traditions and came to an internal awareness of Love that brought about a major awakening.

What do you feel has been going on with all these intense energy shifts?

As the global community is awakening, we are raising the global frequency. Nicola Tesla said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” We are all just vibrating energy and this energy is accelerating in response to our raising consciousness.

Any words of wisdom on how to make it through them?

There really is no trick. Everyone has their own path of evolution. Just take it one day at a time and learn to tune in to your Heart and understand what it is telling you. Get still and feel.

Do you have any advice for someone who wanted to begin inner work on themselves?

The journey begins with Self Love. You must give yourself space to be free of judgment in order to understand who you are. As Shakespeare says “This above all: to thine own self be true.” I published a book on Self Love and how to cultivate it through daily devotion. It is a journey. Be patient and persevere.

What has helped you a lot on your journey?

Meditation is the most essential part of my journey. It is responsible for all of my expanded awareness and gifts. Finding inner stillness brought happiness and wisdom to my life that is the foundation for everything I do. Reiki was the other critical shift for me. I have long had awareness of the energy body, but Reiki really opened this up to an expanded experience and taught me to use it for the Highest Good of All.

What does divine love mean to you?

Divine Love is what everything is made of. It is the gravity that holds the planets in place. They say “Love is the only Truth, all else is illusion.” Learning to tap into the Divine Love that lives in the Heart is the whole journey.

What’s your best advice for speaking and living your truth?

Living your truth is a daily practice. Show up for yourself every single day. Journaling has been an essential part of my journey to help me learn to speak my thoughts and feelings fluently, which helps me communicate that to others and live from my Center.

What does self care look like for you?

Self-care is more than just taking care of the body and its physical needs, though it starts with that. Self Care is cultivating a relationship with my Self, so that I know what I need in the moment. It is always changing and flowing, so living in the Present and tuning into my Heart. Taking baths and reading are two of my favorites.

What inspires you the most?

Love. I am always seeking to be more pure in my expression of the Love within my heart. I also love art, music, and poetry. Creativity and expression are so inspiring to me.

What are your superpowers?

I am well anchored into my Heart and have a still Mind, so I tune in to things that others cannot perceive. Reiki has also become very special to me, opening new awareness of energy and the light body. I have been writing my whole life, so I really love poetry and finding the right words for a feeling or thought.

Do you have any words to live by?

It is absolutely possible to live a life you love, but it will take a lot of work, and you will fail a few times. Don’t give up. Don’t settle. You will get there if you stay devoted and diligent in your efforts.

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