Clarity is a Tantrika, yogi, and healer from Toronto via Switzerland, that leads empowering events for females. Her different workshops and retreats include teachings on Tantra, sacred sexuality, and women’s archetypes. Very powerful inner work is done at her circles, where women can feel free and embodied within themselves, and connect to each other through sharing things about their journeys. If you are in the Toronto area, you can catch her at her weekly ‘Luminous Sister’s Circle‘.

Here she shares more about the power of female gatherings and how to embrace a bit of Tantric energy in our own lives.

Photography by Brittney Guimond

What do you love most about your work?

I love that I get to create a sacred space for women to be themselves, to be vulnerable and authentic and wild and creative, and to express their feminine nature which is rooted in love and acceptance. Most of the magick in our circles and ceremonies come from women opening themselves to each other and to themselves.

We all have so much wisdom to share and joining women’s circles allows us to share the wisdom that we accumulated in our lives, it helps us to process what is really going on for us (especially emotionally) and we get to learn from other wise women and sisters and realise that we are all on a similar journey, sharing similar issues.

I encourage women to see these challenges as initiations and to receive the blessings that they get from others. So often we feel that we are not worthy of compliments, not good enough. We compare ourselves to others and we hold ourselves against masculine standards for achievement of a specific kind of success and unrealistic beauty standards. What fills my hearts with so much love and hope is to see women loving themselves more after an event or a retreat. I see them radiate. I know it comes from the sense of belonging that we feel after a women’s circle. We all belong to a global sacred sisterhood of women who truly love each other and allow us to see our own beauty and power.

Women’s events remind us how amazing women’s hearts are and it brings us back home. For all these reasons, I have received so much love and healing of my own in leading women’s events. I am truly blessed to be doing this work and I realise that it is way beyond me for I am guided every single day for this mission. Most of all, I love that I get to be a pioneer in this global shift that is seeing the feminine within all and everyone being empowered and women as the embodiment of the feminine coming into their own power and Truth.

Can you explain to us what Tantra is?

Tantra is a philosophy that accepts everything as sacred and divine. Tantra means to weave. Specifically, it weaves together the light and the darkness, respectively the masculine and the feminine essence. Since the rise of the patriarchal era 5000-3000 years ago, the feminine has been devalued and repressed. Everything that had to do the the body, the earth, our human essence, our instinctual nature, our sexuality, our sensuality, the mundane, the profane, death etc. has been demonised. I believe that this repression of our feminine essence is the very cause of all of our suffering.

Since Tantra embraces all, it pushes us to accept the things that we have repressed in ourselves (shadows in Jungian psychoanalysis terms) and in the collective. Therefore, Tantrika typically do the most controversial practices (for example, using menstrual blood) in the most controversial places (such as cremation grounds).

There are a lot of differing Tantric traditions. From my studies, I have come to embrace a Tantric philosophy that worships the Feminine essence or Shakti. I chose to worship the Goddess in the form of Goddess Kali (a Tantric Goddess) as the Mother creator of all. The symbols around Goddess Kali teaches us everything that we need to know about Tantra. Worshipping Kali transmutes all negative energies and removes all blockages to fully being ourselves, in alignment with our divine purpose. This is the essence of Tantra.

Photography by Tessa Kuz

Do you have any advice for us to embrace it more in our lives?

In living with more awareness of our bodies, we are able to connect to the feminine wisdom and power, and to connect to the Goddess. When we connect to our bodies, we connect to the Earth as well. When we listen to our bodies, we listen to our intuition and it leads us to make healthier and more fulfilling decisions for ourselves. In grounding our awareness into our bodies, we can also become more familiar and comfortable with our sexual energy and our sexuality. In that way, we understand that it is natural and that a simple breath can transmute this energy into regenerative and healing energy, as opposed to having it fixated into a thought or a goal. Any practice that allows us to be aware of our body and sensations can help us to cultivate a Tantric lifestyle, one that is grounded in presence through our bodies at all times, and connected to all through the energies that we feel at any given moment. We then learn that everything is made of energy: emotions, thoughts, pain, etc. And by noticing energy, we allow it to move through us and to be released. We then become a clear channel to transmute all negativity and blockages for ourselves and others. A Tantrika is a natural healer in this way because she or he receives and accepts everything without any fear. In noticing and receiving all, we emanate unconditional love which is the most powerful healing force known.

Who inspires you and why?

I am inspired first and foremost by mother goddess Kali. Her beauty, Her grace, Her fierceness, Her courage, Her strength, Her unconditional Love, etc. fills me with so much love and hope that we, human beings, are doing well. I am also inspired by one of my teachers in my spiritual director program (I’m studying at the Transformational Arts College in Toronto). She radiates unconditional Love and full acceptance of all. She encourages us to share our wisdom and to be ourselves. She is the most grounded person that I know. She must spend a lot of time in nature, lol. Her name is Joanne Morgan and she is a healer and psychotherapist.

Portrait photograph by Brittney Guimond

Have you gone through or overcome something in life? What got you through to the other side?

I have overcome depression. The most recent one was this past year. I was trapped in a cycle of low self-worth fueled by compulsive jealous thoughts and mistrust of my partner. I suffered from betrayal trauma when I found out about his addiction to pornography and it has greatly affected me. I overcame it by moving out of his apartment and focusing in my Tantric Yoga practice. I also did many meditations to heal my masculine.

This attracted a man in my life who triggered my kundalini energy and completely transformed me to the point that I had to leave my partner because we were not resonating at the same frequency anymore. I am in new a relationship with someone else now and I am still healing from the trauma. I am making sure that he knows about it and that he understands.

What helped me the most on this journey is to have patience and compassion for myself and my healing, and to accept this challenge as an initiation into a more whole and more grounded version of myself. I know that self-love is the ultimate answer for me in this situation and it’s worth the struggle as it has taught me so much already, including being more compassionate and understanding towards all the women who suffer from low-self-esteem which is oh so common.

Best words of wisdom?

Love everything

What are your superpowers?

My connection to my body. I can have spontaneous full body orgasm just by connecting to my body.

What’s on your music playlist?

Everything Indian <3

Best advice for embodying yourself?

Be naked in nature.

What’s your sign?

Aquarius, I very much identify with the Aquarius as a bridge (such as a shaman or priestess) between the spirit world and the mundane world. The Aquarius is the archetype of the messenger of the Gods (Hermes). It is an endogenous being, a visionary, a humanitarian. Since a lot of my work is divinely guided, I feel resonance with this archetype. I also see that we are moving into a New Era (the Aquarian Age) in which we are to understand reality in terms of vibrations (the waves of the water that the Aquarius pours into the river). The water is information. This is my understanding of reality as well. I see the collective conscious as a frequency, one that is unbalanced from the excess masculine and lacking in Feminine energy. The core of my work is to restore this imbalance.

Has learning to accept yourself been a journey for you or has it come naturally?

It has been a huge journey for me and I am still on this journey. The Tantric philosophy, lifestyle and practices, including rituals has helped me tremendously. I was really shy growing up. I am the last born of a fraternity and I was shut down as a child. My throat chakra and my heart were closed off. Chanting helped me a lot for that, as well as devotional practices. I learned to see the divine and beauty in everyone which allows me to see it in myself.

What would you tell your younger self?

I would tell her that she is safe. I grew up being afraid a lot. I was afraid of my father and my siblings who bullied me a lot. I had to close myself to not be affected by it. I remember just wanting to love everyone. I would tell my younger self that it is safe to do so. It is safe to be myself and to love.

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